Unpaid Invoice Listing

If you choose to run the system as an accounts payable system, the system will allow you to enter all unpaid invoices. You can get listings of unpaid invoices as shown in the sample report. These listings can be used for approval for payment.

If you have many funds, such as a city government, the unpaid invoices will be grouped by fund.

The due date is displayed on the listings, allowing you to easily determine which invoices need to be paid.


00/10/25                                   Your City Name

15:45:02                               UNPAID INVOICE LISTING

PAGE   1                                  October 25, 2000

                                                        INVOICE     DUE                          PAY NOW     PAY LATER      TOTAL

PAYEE  #  PAYEE NAME                      INVOICE NUMB    DATE      DATE    DESCRIPTION           AMOUNT      AMOUNT         DUE

--------  ------------------------------  ------------  --------  --------  ------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------

       1  KEN JOHNSON                            INV-1   5/01/99   5/15/99  UB SYSTEM                          1495.00     1495.00

       1  KEN JOHNSON                            INV-2   5/05/99   5/30/99  GENERAL LEDGER                      395.00      395.00

                                                                                                ----------  ----------  ----------

                                                                            VENDOR TOTAL              0.00     1890.00     1890.00

       2  EXECUTIVE DATA CONTROL                  6549   5/10/99   6/01/99  CHECKS                               85.00       85.00

       2  EXECUTIVE DATA CONTROL                  6569   5/12/99   6/10/99  COPY PAPER                           67.50       67.50

                                                                                                ----------  ----------  ----------

                                                                            VENDOR TOTAL              0.00      152.50      152.50

                                                                                                ----------  ----------  ----------

                                                                            FINAL TOTAL               0.00     2042.50     2042.50


             1   830  0  REPAIRS                                                 152.50

             1   870  0  OTHER                                                  1890.00


                         TOTAL FOR FUND #: 1                                    2042.50


© 2001 Advanced Computer Services, Inc.
Last Update: 1-dec-01 11:11 PM