Year-to-Date/Quarter-to-Date Register

This listing shows the year-to-date earnings and tax deductions. This report should be retained as the permanent earnings record. Both the taxable wage and the total wage is shown for the year.


00/10/25                                                  Your City Name

14:03:32                                     YEAR TO DATE / QUARTER TO DATE REGISTER

                                                         October 15, 2000

                               <--------------------YEAR TO DATE--------------------->  <-------------QUARTER TO DATE-------------->

  NUMBER  NAME                   TOTAL      TAXABLE       SS/MED   FED W/H    ST W/H       TOTAL        SS/MED   FED W/H    ST W/H

--------  -------------------  ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------

       1 Brown John              14600.00    12400.00     633.39    1321.69     219.72       500.00      24.80      44.28      11.42

                                                          148.13                                          5.80

       2 Smith Mary              10763.75    10719.50     651.18    1409.37     257.27       953.75      58.95     158.81      27.37

                                                          152.31                                         13.79

       3 White Bill               2415.00     2383.00      76.14     114.68      28.19       840.00      51.09      88.84      23.57

                                                           17.81                                         11.95

       4 Williams John            2598.50     2564.90     159.02     295.69      63.10       981.00      59.78      77.56      25.46

                                                           37.21                                         13.99

       5 Snow Tracy               2940.00     2940.00     100.44     157.32      38.22       960.00      59.52     101.16      27.07

                                                           23.49                                         13.92

         FINAL TOTALS            33317.25    31007.40    1620.17    3298.75     606.50      4234.75     254.14     470.65     114.89

                                                          378.95                                         59.45

                            YTD       QTD

Ins                      771.20     57.10

Caf                     2309.85    135.75

Misc-3                     0.00      0.00

Misc-4                     0.00      0.00

Misc-5                     0.00      0.00

Misc-6                     0.00      0.00

Misc-7                   530.30     61.53

Misc-8                     0.00      0.00

Misc-9                   214.00     22.25

Msc-10                   111.70     19.30

EIC                        0.00      0.00

TOTAL SOC-SEC. WAGES-QTD            4099.00

TOTAL MEDICARE WAGES-QTD            4099.00

TOTAL TIPS-YTD                         0.00


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Last Update: 1-dec-01 11:11 PM