Billing Journal

The Billing Journal gives the details of the current months billings for each customer. This listing also gives the totals for each type of service by route and overall totals for the entire system

This Utility Billing system is actually a combined Utility Billing system and an Accounts Receivable system. The system will keep track of any prior balance on any customer. The prior balance is shown on this report, so you can quickly see the total amount due from any customer.


                                         Your City Name                                   PAGE  1

                                         BILLING JOURNAL

                                     As of October 25, 2000

 Account                            ------------------ Current Billing ------------   Prior Current

 Number     Name                      WATER   SEWER  SANITAT  OTHER   SALES   Total Balance Balance

 100100.00  Maude Adams               15.20   14.70    0.00    0.00    0.00   29.90   59.87   89.77

 100110.00  Alexander Roberts         12.40    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   15.28  106.63  121.91

 100120.00  Virgil Teaster             4.00    5.88    5.00    0.00    0.00   14.88   56.15   71.03

 100130.00  David Jones               18.65   18.52    0.00    0.00    0.00   37.17   38.75   75.92

 100140.00  Sam Scroggins             15.36    0.00    5.00    0.00    0.00   20.36   12.00   32.36

 100150.00  Bonnie Parker             41.19    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   41.19   27.00   68.19

                          TOTALS FOR BOOK #  1        GRAND TOTALS

                          --------------------       -------------

WATER CHARGE                           106.80               106.80

SEWER CHARGE                            39.10                39.10

SANITATION CHG                          10.00                10.00

OTHER CHARGE                             0.00                 0.00

SALES TAX                                0.00                 0.00

   Total                               158.78               158.78

Previous Balance                       300.40               300.40

Current Balance                        459.18               459.18

SERVICE       CODE  DESCRIPTION                               BILLED    AMOUNT      TAX BASE        USAGE

------------  ----  ----------------------------------------  ------  ----------  ------------  -------------

WATER           1   Water Residential - In                         6      106.80                       36,560

SEWER           1   SEWER RES                                      3       39.10                       12,300

SANITATION      1                                                  2       10.00

PENALTY         1   PENALTY RATE                                   6       15.89


© 2001 Advanced Computer Services, Inc.
Last Update: 1-dec-01 11:11 PM