Unbilled Customer Listing

Once all readings have been entered and all bills have been calculated, you can run this Unbilled Customer Listing. This program will search your files for any customers who were not billed. This will allow you to quickly identify any customers who were inadvertently skipped as the readings were entered. This report will skip all inactive customers.


                                   Your City Name

                                                                     PAGE  1

                             UNBILLED CUSTOMER LISTING

                               As of October 25, 2000

 ACCOUNT                                     DATE OF         CURRENT

 NUMBER     NAME                          LAST BILLING       BALANCE

 100170.00  Roy Robins                       3/09/98          28.93

 100180.00  Ralph's Car Wash                 8/31/97           0.00

 100185.00  Billy Simpson                    8/31/97           0.00

 100190.00  Ralph McGill                     8/30/97           0.00

 200100.00  Joe Sample                       8/31/97           0.00

 200110.00  Mary Brown                       8/31/97           0.00





© 2001 Advanced Computer Services, Inc.
Last Update: 1-dec-01 11:11 PM