Select Company

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This Utility Billing system will handle up to 99999 different companies on the same PC, but normally a city or rural water system will only have one company. The system will default to Company Number 1 when installed and we suggest you continue to use Company Number 1 as your Company Number.

If you do have more than one company, you can use this menu option to change to a different Company Number at any time. If you wish to add a new company, click Add and you will be asked the following questions.

You must assign the company a new number that is not being used.

If you are using the utility billing system, you will be asked the questions shown above. You must enter the range of route numbers to be used. You must also indicate the company number of an existing company that has the same services as the new company. Once the company has been established, the files will be empty. You must enter your rates and add the customers just as you did when you began entering your first company.

You will be taken to the Company Information file once these screens have been answered. Be sure to enter the new company name, etc.

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