BR! Error Codes | Other
Errors If you encountered an Error wich states an Error Number and Line
Number, you can find out more about the Error Code, and possibly how to fix it
here. BR! Error Codes: 0001
0004 0058
0061 0122
0301 0303
0304 0311
0312 0322
0323 0324
0325 0326
0327 0328
0329 0330
0331 0332
0333 0334
0335 0336
0337 0338
0339 0340
0341 0342
0343 0344
0345 0346
0347 0348
0349 0350
0351 0352
0353 0354
0355 0356
0357 0358
0359 0360
0361 0362
0363 0364
0365 0366
0367 0605
0703 0714
0721 0726
0731 0854
0869 1131
2090 2130
2160 2280
2282 4148
4152 4175
4179 4203
4204 4205
4215 4221
4223 4228
4229 4230
4261 4264
4323 4431
4433 4504
4505 4509
4512 4518
4591 5321
5367 5402
6210 6213
6242 6245
6246 6298
9001 9002
9003 9304
9995 If you encountered a different
error there may be more information, and possibly a solution here: Other