ACS BR! Error Code Help

Error Number:


Common Causes:
Common Solutions:

Have you opened the file INTERNAL or EXTERNAL?

When I've rebuilt (or tried to) corrupt files I usually open EXTERNAL and move the POS one space at a time to find the actual beginning of the first record, then set the RLN to the correct length, remembering that the first position is reserved for the "D" designating a deleted record.

Then by printing the first X characters to the screen I can see where a piece of a record may be missing. This lets me save all the good records to that point to a temp file. Close the file and reopen with a new POS for the start of the next good set of records etc. The bad records can then be recovered by treating them individually based on what is salvageable.

If you open the file external you should NEVER get the 0058 error unless you screwed up the code. If you opened it internally you may be getting a corrupt header generating the error outside of what you are coding.

Good luck

-----Original Message-----

From: John at ACS []

I have a corrupt data file I am triing to write a program to repair.

I find alot of error 58s when I read... something like this:

10 Dim x$*10
20 read #1,using "Form pos 1,C 10": x$

... now why or how could i get an error0058 on that?

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