ACS BR! Error Code Help

Error Number:



File not found

Common Causes:

A. The specified file cannot be found.

B. The program you are running does not have or

is not executing an Open Printer command.

C. Your wbCon##.sys/wbConfig.sys has no "Printer

Type" statements nor "Include Core\

Printer\..." statements.

Common Solutions:

A. Correct errors in the file name or path; be

sure that the correct disk is in the

specified drive and that the correct

default directory is used; check

permissions on Unix or Linux systems.

B. Contact ACS to add an Open Printer command to

to this program. (you might also want to

check other programs, your entire system

may be without these, if it is older.)

C. Contact ACS to update your Core Program files

and check your wb Configuration files.


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