ACS BR! Error Code Help

Error Number: 6210

Windows Printer Driver does not support


Common Causes:

A. Incorrect Printer Driver was selected

B. Printer Setup has never been completed

C. Alternate Printer Driver Needed

D. EMF Spool Data Format

E. wbConfig Printer Type Statment is old

Common Solutions:A. Select Quit and then run program again, selecting correct printer driver (If youset your default printer correctly you can avoid getting this error in the future.)

B. See the ACS Core Manual regarding Printer Setup

C. If you've completed the Printer Setup stepsand are still receiving this error, try using an alternate printer driver. HPDeskJet 500 (not 500c nor 500+) seemsto work well for most printers. If itdoes not, try contacting ACS for helpfinding other alternate printer drivers.

You can also try the HP LaserJet II Series formany laser printers.

D. Set the printer driver's Spool Data format to RAW (See your ACS Core Manual for helpdoing this.

E. (Only if using ACS Printer Type 4)

In wbCon##.sys/wbConfig.sys change the line

PRINTER HPNEW LPP66,"\E(10U\E(s0p10.


to read


(note the line above ends with the number zero and the capital letter 'O'.)

You may also need to change this in Printer.cfg and Core\Printer\HPNew.cfg


Not sure exactally what fixed it, attempt fixes one at a time and collect more info. if the opprotunity presents itself, again.

If end user diagnosing problem, please contact John at ACS (1-800-643-6318) or

How to Select a Compatible Printer Driver (Microsoft Knowledge Base) Article ID: Q177512



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