Clear Accumulated Transactions

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This Clear Accumulated Transactions program will clear your accumulated transaction file of all transactions for the year and prepare the file for a new year. You should run this option at the end of each year if you are retaining transactions. This program has been made a separate selection on the menu to allow you to zero this file at various other times, if necessary. For example, if the file begins utilizing to much space during the year, you would want to print the accumulated listing and then clear this file. Also, you can make the decision to start accumulating transactions at any time during the year. You need to run this program when you first decide to accumulate transactions in order to clear the accumulated transaction file of any previous test records, etc.

In summary, if you have made the decision to store accumulated transactions, you will run this program at the following times:

·When you first make the decision to accumulate transactions.

·At each year end.

·Any time the file begins utilizing too much space.


You will be asked the removal date. Normally this will be the first day of the new year. If your books are on a calendar year, this date would be January 1st of the new year.

Many times users forget to run Clear Accumulated Transactions at year end and later find they have two years history in the file. You can still run this program at that time and dump the old history.

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