Company Information

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The Company Information option can be found under Files on the main menu. Ti will allow you to assign or change the company name and other vital information in the Company Information File. This file contains information about the company which is essential to operation of the General Ledger system. Be sure to run this program before you attempt to do any processing.

You will need to run this program on each company that you install on the system. This program also serves as a file maintenance program if the company information should change on any company.


Company Name

The company name is limited to 40 characters. You should always enter the company name, since this name will appear on all reports.

Company Address

(40-character limitation).

City-State Zip

(4O-character limitation).

Federal ID Number

(12-character limitation). The payroll information can be skipped, unless you are wanting to utilize the After the Fact Payroll feature of this system

State ID Number

(12-character limitation).

State U/C Rate

The state U/C rate should be entered in percent form. For example, 3.1% should be entered as 3.1.

State U/C Maximum

Enter the maximum wage subject to state unemployment.

Type of Business

A sample answer might be "Corporation". This information will be used on the cover letter for the financial statements. Entry is optional.

Number of Periods

Enter the number of accounting periods in your year. Normally it would be 12, which would mean you close out each month. You must answer between 1 & 13.

Use Department Number Fields

The coding structure allows you to use a department (or cost center) number as part of your General Ledger account number. Check if you need these extra three digits.

If you are not using cost centers (fund breakdowns, etc.), you should leave the box unchecked.

If you indicate that the cost center code is applicable, you will be required to enter the three digit prefix each time a General Ledger number is entered into the system.

If you later determine you need to use the cost center breakdown, this program can be run again at that time.

Using Sub Number Field

The coding structure allows you to use a sub-account number as part of your General Ledger account number.

If you are not using sub-accounts, you should leave the box unchecked.

If you indicate that you are using sub-accounts you will be required to enter the sub-account number each time a General Ledger number is entered into the system, even if the sub-account number is zero.

Normally you will not use the cost center or the sub-account numbers, so we suggest you leave both fields unchecked. Your processing will be easier if neither item is used as part of your account number.

Maintain Accumulated Transactions

You have the ability to retain all General Ledger transactions for any period of time. These transactions will he stored in a separate history file at month end as your books are closed. At any given time during the year you can run a trial balance that will show all activity. You can also reprint any trial balance for a period of one year if you choose to retain these transactions. You can also review the old transactions as you view a General Ledger account using file maintenance. The only problem with utilizing this feature is that the accumulation of this data can take up much of your disk space. Check the above option if you wish to utilize this feature.

Utilize the bank Reconciliation Feature

This General Ledger system can maintain a file of all checks and receipts that have been issued by your company. The system contains programs that will allow you to code the checks that have cleared the bank and then to produce a bank reconciliation on each bank account. You should check this box if you wish to utilize these features. The ACS Check Book system also has a bank reconciliation feature. If you use the Checkbook system, we recommend you use the bank reconciliation feature in the Checkbook system. You should indicate you do not want the bank reconciliation feature in General Ledger if you have the Checkbook system.

Last Balance Sheet Account Number

Various reports throughout the system must know where the balance sheet accounts end and the income and expense accounts begin. These programs access this Company Information File for this data. You should enter your very last balance sheet account number from your last fund.

Allocate Expenses to Job Cost

If you have the ACS Job Cost system installed, you can post any General Ledger entries directly to your jobs. If you indicate that you wish to allocate expenses, you will be asked the job number each time a transaction is entered into the General Ledger system. That transaction will then be posted to a job at the same time the transactions are posted to the General Ledger. If the ACS Job Cost system is not installed, you should leave this box unchecked.

Posting Method

All other ACS applications, such as payroll, contain menu options that will allow those systems to post directly to the General Ledger. The above option will allow the entries to be posted immediately to General Ledger or to be retained in holding files in the General Ledger until you choose to post them. If you wish to hold these entries and review them before they are posted, choose to Place in Holding Files. . You can review these holding files and post the entries using the Post from Holding File option on the main menu. Normally you would choose to Post Immediately.

If you do not want to see all of the detail transactions for the withholding accounts listed on your trial balance, you can indicate the range of general ledger numbers for your payroll withholding accounts. If you summarize these, you will see one entry for each pay period.


If you are using the After the Fact Payroll features of the system, you will need to enter this information. It will be used in producing the payroll reports and post the entries to the general ledger.


If you are utilizing the After the Fact Payroll features of this system, you will need to supply the above information. If the company has any deductions other the standard Fica, Federal, and State, you need to give them a name and indicate if is a deduction or an addition to net. If it is pension type deduction, you will need to indicate how it effects Federal, FICA, State, and Unemployment taxes. If should be subtracted from Federal and State, for example, you would check the Federal and State boxes. For a cafeteria type plan, you would most likely check all 4 boxes. Unemployment could be questionable. Also indicate the withholding account that will be applicable.








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