Cover Letter

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The cover letter program will allow you to design and print your own compilation report to be attached to the financial statements. This program will also produce a cover sheet that will show the company name and the date of the financial statements.

You are completely free to design the cover letter just as you want it printed.

This program can become part of automatic option processing. To run the cover letter program, you should select the Cover Letter option from the Print Financial Statement menu. You will then receive a sub-menu of the options available on the cover letter.



The current date and the period ending date can be extracted from your date file. To use these dates in your letter, enter @1 as a code for the period ending date or @2 for the current date. Insert these codes at the position in the line where the date should appear. Either date can be used anywhere in the letter and as many times as necessary. If you want a blank space following the date, leave one space after the code. By using these date codes, you will not have to change the letter from month to month. The dates will change each time you change processing dates.


Print Cover Letter

There is a separate menu option to print the cover letter once it has been designed..

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