Duplicate Range of Accounts

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If you have multiple funds or departments and the general ledger accounts in each department are very similar, this menu option could be of great value when building your chart of accounts. This option allows you to not only duplicate a range of general ledger numbers, but it will also fix the financial statement design as you run this option.

You must build all of the information for the first fund or department, including the financial statement design. Once this has been done, you are ready to duplicate this department. You may generate a few accounts that are not necessary, but it is much easier to delete an account than to set one up.

You will first be asked the first general ledger number to be duplicated and the last to be duplicated. This could be the entire department, or simply a range of revenue accounts, expense accounts, etc.

You will then be asked the beginning number to used in the new department. For example, if you first revenue account number is 1-1100 and you were trying to generate department 2, you would probably use 2-1100.

If you have already designed the financial statements for department 1, you can also automatically get the financial statements designed for the second department. You will need to the financial statement reference numbers that you want to duplicate. Enter these in either the balance sheet questions or the income statement questions, but not both.

The last step will be to enter the starting number for the next set of balance sheet or income statement reference numbers.

If you have more than one department or fund, it can save you many hours if you will learn to use this option! If you are uncertain, use the Copy Company option under Core options and copy you real files to another company. Then change to that company and play all you want.


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