Enter Period Ending Dates

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All programs in the system have been written to obtain the process period ending date and the current date from a special date file. You will be required to enter these dates each time you change from one period to the next. The dates are tied to a specific company.

The process period ending date and today's dates are expected to be spelled out in character format. The number of the Accounting Period is very critical. The system stores each months (could be any time period) history in the general ledger file. It is critical that you close each month and it is critical that this Accounting Period be entered correctly and changed each month.

You will also be instructed to enter the heading for the current column on the income statement. This will allow you to process for different periods of time, such as monthly or quarterly. Be sure to use all capital letters on the heading in order to match the other headings on the statements. If you use "Current" or "Current Month", you will not be required to change the wording each month.

The "Last Accounting Period Closed" will always be displayed on the screen. As you start a new accounting period, you can easily determine if the prior period was closed.

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