Statement of Retained Earnings

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This program will allow you to prepare, change or print a statement of retained earnings in a format that is designed by you. You must enter all of the figures and detail lines that are to print on the report before this report can be printed. If the figures are not changed each month before the report is printed, the report will be identical to the previous month.

This report can be run anytime. It can be found on the Print Financial Statement menu. If this program is executed as part of the automatic processing procedure, all messages will be bypassed.

Option 1 will erase all information currently in the file. Generally this selection will only be used the first time you run this program on any company.

You have the ability to enter your own report name and also a footnote to appear at the bottom of your statement. The report name should be entered on the first line. It can be 80 characters long. It will automatically be centered on the page between the company name and the date. The name and date will be pulled from other files in the system.

The footnote can be 80 characters long. It will be centered two lines from the bottom of the page. You can enter a blank if you do not have a footnote.

You can have ten blank lines on the first screen to begin entering your statements. This screen allows you to enter all information that you want printed on the report. If you have too much information to enter on one screen, you can use as many screens as may be necessary. You simply press F1 to continue to the next screen.

Remember that you are responsible for all detail information that is printed on this report including blank lines, indention’s, dollar signs, underlines, amounts, etc. The only information that is printed automatic is the company name, the report heading (which you assign), the date, and the footnote (which you assign). The first screen will begin printing immediately below the date, so you may wish to skip several blank lines at the beginning of your first screen.

The reason that no information is pulled from the General Ledger automatically is that this statement is never consistent from company to company or from year to year. You may have prior period adjustments, which would not be stored in the General Ledger, or the company could be a partnership with varied ways of allocating profits, etc. The system is totally flexible in that this statement can be formatted to fit your changing needs, but you must remember to change the statement each month before it is selected for print.

You can use as many 10 line screens as necessary.

2. File Maintenance / Inquiry

If option 2 is selected, you will first be allowed to correct the heading and/or footnote.

You will then be allowed to correct any of the screens that make up your statement. The cursor can be positioned anywhere on the screen and you can change any information. Press F1 after all corrections have been made.

3. Print Retained Earnings Statement

Option 3 on this sub-menu will allow you to print the actual statement. If this program is part of the automatic processing routine you should do all required file maintenance before you select automatic processing. Automatic processing will not stop and allow you to make any changes to this statement.

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