Schedule File Menu

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The system will allow you to print up to 99 schedules to support your financial statements. You have the ability to assign the schedule name and select the General Ledger accounts that you wish to have printed on each schedule.

Following is a list of all information contained in each schedule record.

Schedule Number

The schedule number must be an all-numeric number from 1 to 99. Each schedule must contain a number and you cannot have duplicate numbers. The schedule number will be used in accessing the schedule, selecting the schedule to be printed, and as the schedule number on the printed schedule.

Schedule Name

The schedule name will appear at the top of each schedule between the company name and the date. You can assign any name you choose. You can use a maximum of 78 characters. The schedule name will automatically be centered on the page.


The footnote will be printed two lines from the bottom of the schedule. It will normally contain wording similar to "See Accountants' Compilation Report", but you can use any message you choose or simply enter a blank if you do not have a message to print.

The footnote message is limited to 78 alpha characters and will automatically be centered.

Dollar Sign to Print

The dollar sign can be printed on the first and last line of your schedule. Enter a 1 for the dollar sign to print. Enter a zero or leave the code blank if you do not want the dollar sign printed.

Reverse Sign

Your schedule can show any accounts in your General Ledger master file. If it happens to be a schedule of accounts that normally have a credit balance, you will probably want to reverse the sign so the minus sign does not print.

Selection Type

You have the following options for the type of schedule.

0.Year-To-Date Only

1.Current Month and Year-To-Date

2.Period Comparative (Income & Expense Accounts)

3.Period Comparative (Balance Sheet Accounts)

Type 0 will print a year-to-date column only. It would normally be used for asset, liability and equity accounts, but could also be used on income and expense accounts.

Type 1 would most often be used on income and expense accounts and will show both a current month column and a year-to-date column.

Types 2 & 3 will show twelve-month comparison. Use type 2 for income and expense accounts and type 3 for balance sheet accounts.

General Ledger Number to Print

Each schedule can contain a maximum of 80 General Ledger accounts. You can select the accounts in any order. The account name and amounts will be pulled from the General Ledger master file.

The following options are contained on the Schedule File Menu.

Initial File Preparation

The first option on the Schedule File Menu will allow you to initially establish your schedule file on the disk. This file contains the information that will control the data that will be printed on each schedule.

This program should be run only one time on each company. Do not run this option on each new schedule! If any schedules need to be added to this file once this Initial File Preparation program has been run, simply use the "Add Schedule" option to add new schedules.

All schedules for this company will be erased if you continue. Be sure to only run this program one time on each company, unless you wish to erase all existing schedules.

Once the files have been prepared, you can begin adding new schedules.

You will receive a warning when you select this program. If the selection was made in error, you can press F5 and return to the menu without destroying your files.

Add New Records

Option #2 on the Schedule File Menu will be used to add new schedules for any company. You can add new schedules at any time.

The schedule number is limited to two numeric characters. You are not allowed to have a duplicate schedule number. The schedule name and footnote fields are limited to 78 characters each. The next two fields must contain a 0 or a 1 (0=NO, 1=YES). The selection type must be a 0, 1, 2, or 3.

You should remember that when you first install the system on any company, you should run the Initial File Preparation option one time to establish the schedule file on your disk.

A schedule can contain 80 different General Ledger accounts.

File Maintenance / Inquiry

The third option on the Schedule File Menu is used to inspect and/or change records in the schedule specification file. It can be run any time.

This program can also be used to delete schedules from the system.

You can change any Information on the schedule, including the number. If you wish to delete the schedule from the system, you can change the schedule number to zero.

Print Proof List

This program will print a listing which shows all of the schedules for any company. This program is the fourth option on the Schedule File Menu. It can be run anytime. It will normally only be used to proof your initial setup. You will use Print Schedules from the Print Financial Statements menu to print the actual schedule.

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