Select Automatic Processing Programs

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This system will automatically process several different reports in order without operator intervention. With this routine you can preselect all of the reports that you want printed on one or more companies. You can then simply start the automatic processing at anytime and the preselected reports will be printed.

You can select up to twenty different reports in your automatic processing. You will first click on the menu option you want printed. You will also indicate when the report is to be printed. When the Automatic Processing is actually started, you will be asked if you are processing at the end of the week, end of the month, or end of the quarter. By using these codes, you can arrange your automatic processing to handle any pay period during the year. You select the order one time and then never have to worry about what is to be printed each pay period. If, for example, you are placing the Payroll Register in Automatic Processing, you should probably indicate that the report should be printed weekly, monthly, and quarterly. Then at the end of the month or quarter, you will get the register as well as the monthly or quarterly reports. You should check the fields to indicate if the report should be printed at that time.. If, for example, you are placing the State Unemployment Report in Automatic Processing, you should check the quarterly field and leave zeros in the weekly and monthly fields

You should be careful not to place anything in Automatic Processing that requires operator intervention, such as a maintenance program. You can place the Payroll Checks program in Automatic Processing, but the program will stop and ask for the checks to be positioned in the printer. If you are attempting to process the reports at night without any intervention, you should be careful to exclude the Payroll Checks from this routine.

You should also exclude Enter Time Sheets from Automatic Processing, since this routine also requires operator intervention.

Once you have selected the reports that are to be printed, you can take Begin Automatic Processing from the Automatic Processing option on the main menu. There you will be given the opportunity to select up to 20 companies to process automatically. For more information, see the section of this manual entitled Begin Automatic Processing.

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