Time Classifications

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The system will allow you to track hours other than the ones that effect pay. A good example is comp time. It is not needed for actually calculating pay, but it is something you would like to track. This routine, along with Breakdown of Hours and the Enter Time routines will allow you to track such time.

This Time Classification program will allow you to build a file of different types of time you wish to track. It can be accessed at any time to add another type of time, but for the most part, you will only access thes menu option one time when you tell the system what types of time you will like to track.

Vacations, holiday and sick hours are entered into the regular system as time is being entered. You can tell how many hours have be taken at any time, but you cannot easily see when the time was taken without looking back through records. You might consider placing these hours in this file as well. It would be extra work, but you could obtain a report showing exactly when these hours were used.

This file only contains the codes and descriptions of the different types of time you wish to track. These hours will actually be entered as the time sheets are being processed. The time sheet entry screen has a button that will allow you to enter the hours used or earned.


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