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The Enter Charges option from the Job Cost Menu will allow you to enter charges to your jobs. This program is only used to enter charges that do not affect an employee's pay. The Enter Time option is used to enter time sheets. If the accounts payable system is installed, Checkbook will post all invoices to job cost. If Checkbook is not installed, you will use this program to enter all invoices, as well as miscellaneous charges such as charges for equipment use, etc. Reference Number The reference number is a 12 character alpha field. You will normally enter the invoice number in the field. Date The transaction date should be entered in MMDDYY format. Job Number Category Number Sub - Category Amount The amount will be only the portion of the invoice that is allocated to this specific job, category and sub-category. Description The description is a 30 character alpha field. You can either enter the vendor name or a brief description of the charge that is being made to the job. This description will appear on the job cost report.
JOB COST INPUT PROOF LIST DATE=00/06/09 TIME=10:02:45 REF # REFERENCE # DATE JOB # CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1 42000 0 0 1.00 ------------ 1.00 The edit listing provides you with the above information. Since all corrections are made by a reference number (relative record number) assigned by the system, you must get a listing before you can make any corrections. The reference number is shown on the listing. Once all corrections have been made, you should select to post the entries. Your job cost files are not affected until you post the entries. | |
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