Enter Time

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The Enter Time from the Job Cost Menu will allow you to enter time that is to be processed into the job cost system. You can enter the time in any order. Time sheets do not have to be grouped by employee or job. You can process the time sheets on a daily basis if desired, or you can enter the time all at one time at the end of each week. The system posts the time to the jobs immediately after each input process, and then stores the records for use in calculating pay at the end of the payroll period. Once a payroll period (week, etc.) ends, you should not process any time sheets from the next period until you have calculated pay for the period that has just ended. Transfer J/C to P/R will transfer these time sheets to the payroll files and then clear this time sheet file.

The Enter Time from the Job Cost Menu and the Enter Time Sheet option from the Pay Period Processing menu both allow you to enter time into the system, but the two programs should not be confused. They are each designed for separate functions. The payroll system can operate without having the job cost system installed. When you first install the system, you may choose to run the payroll for several pay periods before job cost is installed. You would use the Enter Time Sheet option from the Pay Period Processing menu to enter this time, since it does not affect the job cost files. After job cost is installed, you will use Enter Time from the Job Cost Menu to enter all time, even if the time is not charged to a job

Following is an explanation of each field on the input screen.

Employee Number

In order to run the job cost portion of the Job cost/Payroll system, you must have your employee records in the payroll master file. The system will check the validity of each employee number as you enter it. If the time on an employee is charged to several jobs, you will enter each allocation on a separate screen.

Method Of Pay

The system uses this code to determine whether or not to pay the employee based on their salary rate or their hourly rate. Since the salaried employees must also have an hourly rate in their file in order to charge time to a job, the system must have some way to determine which method to use in calculating pay.

One of the following codes must be used.

1.Pay Only the Salary

2.Pay Hourly Only

3.Pay Hourly Rate in Addition to Salary


This is the date of the time sheet. It should be entered in MMDDYY format.

Payroll Department Number

An employee can have multiple departmental records. The hourly rate used in calculating the labor costs will also be pulled from the departmental record that you enter here.

Regular Hours

You should enter the regular hours that are to be charged to this particular job, category, and sub-category.

Over Time Hours

All overtime hours are entered separate.

Job Number

You will normally enter the job number to which the time is to be charged, but the system will allow you to enter non-chargeable time. You will either enter the job number as zero, or charge the time to a non-chargeable job which you may have established in the files. If you enter a job number, the system will check the validity of your entry and display the Job Name on the screen. If you do not know the Job Number, position the cursor on the Job Number field and press F6.

Category Number

If you enter a job number, the system will force you to enter a category number. Every job must have at least one category breakdown, since the category records are used to accumulate the time and charges. The system will check the validity of your category number and if the category number does not exist on the job, the system will force you to enter a good category number. If you do not enter a job number, you will not enter a category number.

Sub-Category Code

The system provides the sub-category codes to further analyze the time charged to each category. For example, you may have a category called "Excavation" and within that category you may wish to analyze time and charges by supervisory labor, other labor, equipment rental, sublet, material, etc. You can use these sub-category codes to get this detail analysis. You do not have to enter a sub-category code.


If you are entering time and the employee has an hourly rate, you will not enter the amount. The amount will be calculated by multiplying the hourly rates in each employee's record. If you are processing other costs that pertain to a specific employee, you will enter an amount in the amount field. For example, if you are reimbursing an employee for travel expense and want the expense to be charged to the job and also added to the employees net check, you would enter the amount of the reimbursement in the amount field.

Deduction/Addition Code

If you enter an amount, such as the travel reimbursement mentioned earlier in this section, you can tell the system how the amount affects the employee's pay. Following are the only acceptable codes.

0.The amount entered does not affect employees pay.

1. thru 10.A number in this range will indicate the number of deduction or addition fields in the payroll system. For example, if the miscellaneous deduction field #8 is being used for Travel Reimbursement, you could enter 8 as the code and the system would handle the amount that you have entered as a travel reimbursement.

11.A code 11 will indicate that the amount should be added to the employee gross pay. For example, if you are paying bonuses, you could enter the bonus in the amount field and a code 11 in this field. The bonus would be added to the gross taxable earnings.


If you are utilizing the features of the system that keep track of units produced, etc., you can enter the units completed as the time is being entered.

F6 – Help

If you do not know the Employee Number, the Job Number, the Category Number, or the Sub-Category Number you can position the cursor on the item in question and press F6. The system will display the acceptable answers. Following are sample screens for help on the Employee Number.

Once all time has been entered, you can make corrections or post the time to the jobs. You may wish to get a listing of your input, even if you do not have any errors. If you need to make corrections, it will be necessary to get one listing to use in identifying your reference numbers.

If you choose to make corrections, you will be asked the reference number of the item to correct. The reference number can be obtained from the edit list.

The correction screen is identical to the original input screen. You can change any field on the screen. Note: If you change the hours, you must either set the amount to zero or calculate the correct amount. The system will multiply the hours by the rates if the amount field is zero, but if you have an amount in the amount field, the system assumes you wish to override its calculation.

After all corrections have been made, you should choose to post the time to the jobs. As mentioned earlier, the time and charges are posted each time you enter time, but the payroll is not automatically calculated as you post this time. See Transfer J/C to P/R for more details as to how to calculate the pay.

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