Job Cost

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The Print Job Cost Report option on the Job Cost Menu will print the only report in the system that has the capability to print the job cost detail transactions. This program will only print those transactions from the current period, unless you have indicated in the company information file that you want to retain all transactions on all jobs until they are complete. The one item that should be closely monitored if all transactions are retained is the space that is being used in Directory "PRMSTR".

As mentioned above, this job cost report is the only report in the entire system that will print the details on each job. The term details refers to the individual transactions that have been processed to each job. You may not need the details, but if you do, you need to run a job cost report, requesting details, on all jobs before they are removed. If you have indicated in the company information files that you do not wish to retain details, you will need to run a job cost report on jobs to get the details printed before the current period information is zeroed.

The summaries referred to in the questions above are the summaries of the sub-category records that were used. When you process transactions into the system, you enter the sub-category code to which the transactions should be classified. For example, within the category of "Framing" you might classify transactions to sub-categories such as materials, sublet, etc. You get a summary of these classifications for each category and also for the entire job. You must determine which of the summaries you need. You might request all summaries until you are sure which summaries are meaningful to you.

This screen will only be presented if you indicated on the first screen that you do not want to print all jobs.

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