Remove Completed Jobs

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This selection from the Job Cost Menu will allow you to remove all completed jobs from the system. All jobs that have a 9 in the job status field of the master record will be removed. If you wish to remove any jobs that do not already have a job status of 9, you have the ability to enter those job numbers during the running of this program, and they will also be removed.

The process of removing jobs can be time consuming, especially if you have many jobs in the system, but it will be necessary ro run this program at times throughout the year. This process will free up space on the hard disk. If you have several completed jobs in your files, the file processing will be slower. We suggest you consider running the program at the end of each month.

Network Considerations

This program requires exclusive use of the job cost files. You should not attempt to do any processing on the same company from another terminal while this program is being run.

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