Transfer Job Cost to Payroll

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This job cost system is written to allow you to enter time sheets at any time. You can process daily, weekly, partial days, etc. The time is immediately posted to the job cost records, but he payroll information is stored in a separate file and accumulated for the entire payroll period.

Transfer J/C to P/R from the Job Cost Menu will transfer this accumulated time from job cost to the payroll files. It will combine all time for the same department for each employee entered, and will display each entry for approval before it is written to the payroll input file.

This program should be run at the end of each pay period before any time is entered into job cost for the next pay period.

You will receive the above display for each departmental record for each employee which had time processed through job cost.

You will make any corrections or reallocations of time that may be necessary. For example, you may have entered sick hours into job cost. Job cost does not give you the ability to designate sick, vacation and holiday hours. It may be necessary to reclassify these hours on this screen. It is also possible that you may not even enter sick, vacation or holiday hours into job cost. If this is the case, you may need to add these hours to the screen.

The salary figure will be pulled from the payroll departmental record if you indicated that the employee was to be paid a salary. If this is the case, the hours will be dropped.

The other compensation will be determined by a deduction/addition code of 11 on the Enter Time program. You can override this amount or enter additional compensation, if necessary.

The 10 miscellaneous deductions can either come from the deduction/addition codes on the Enter Time program, or from deduction fields in each employees departmental records. You can override any of the fields if necessary.

The tips and meals will normally not be applicable, but the fields are provided to try to take care of any situations.

The hourly rates that are stored in each employee's departmental records will also be displayed on the screen. Normally these rates will not be changed, but the ability to override the rates gives the system a great deal of flexibility. Consider that maybe the time should be charged to jobs at a billable rate, rather than the true cost (hourly earnings rate). You could place the billable rate in the employee's records and allow job cost to be extended at the billable rate. You could temporarily override the rates each time pay is calculated. This would take a few minutes additional time each pay period, but the process could change the system to a time management type system, rather than a true job cost system.

Note the question on the input screen referring to skipping this department. Assume that you have entered time to a wrong department. You could easily delete the record by entering 1 in this field.

You also have the ability to make any changes you have made to the screen permanent changes in the employee's record. Suppose that the insurance deduction changed this pay period. You can change the deduction on the screen and then select to make the changes permanent. The new deduction will be written back into the employee's record. Note that the system does not give you the ability to make some changes temporary and some changes permanent on the screen.

This input screen is identical to the input process when job cost is not yet installed. You might find it beneficial to study the instructions for Enter Time Sheets from the Pay Period Processing menu. The only major difference is that job cost feeds the information on the screen if job cost is installed and you must enter the information if job cost is not installed.

You will receive proof totals when finished and you will be given an opportunity to make corrections to the input. Once all corrections have been made, you should select to have the pay calculated. You should refer to the last part of the instructions for Enter Time Sheets for an explanation of the questions that will be asked as the payroll calculation program begins.

When this program is finished, the pay on all employees entered through job cost will be calculated. It is possible that you may have some employees who were not entered through job cost. You can enter those employees though Enter Time Sheets from the Pay Period Processing menu.

Network Consideration

This program requires exclusive use of the job cost files. You should not attempt to do any processing on the same company from another terminal while this program is being run.

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