User Designed Reports 1

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This payroll system has many reports that have been designed for you. The standard reports, such as the Payroll Register, can be run simply by selecting them from the Payroll System Options menu. The system has also been designed to give you the flexibility to design some of your own reports. Even though the reports you design will have limitations, the report generating feature of the system will allow you to design some very useful reports.

Any report formats that you design will be stored in the report file. The system will allow you to have up to 99 different report formats in this file.

Following is a list of all information contained in each report record.

Report Number

The Report Number must be a number between 1 and 99. Each report record must contain this number. The Report Number will be used in accessing the records and in selecting the reports to be printed.

Report Title

The Report Title will appear at the top of each printed page of your report. This field can contain 78 characters.

Column Headings

The system allows you to have two lines of Column Headings. Each line can be 132 characters long. The information that is entered in these two fields will also be printed at the top of each page. Your Column Headings will simply be your description of the information that will be printed on the report. Each print position will be shown on the screen. It will be your responsibility to properly position the information in your column headings so it corresponds with the information you have selected to print on the report. If you do not have layout sheets or a print ruler, you may have to temporarily enter the column heading, run a test report, and then reposition your headings.

Item Number For Print Selection

This field will be used in conjunction with the print selection criteria. This field will be the number of the item in the master or department record on which you want to base your selection of the records to be printed. A list of the items that you can use for print selection and their associated item numbers are listed later in this section. Only item numbers that contain numeric information can be used as criteria for selecting the employees who are to appear on the reports.

Summarize Department Records

This field allows you to specify whether you want to summarize all departmental records for each employee or to print the selected information for every department for each employee. This field must contain either a 0 (do not summarize) or a 1 (summarize). For example, if you have an employee who has two departmental records and both records have pension withholdings, you can either select to have both records appear on the pension report or you can select to summarize the records into one entry for the employee.

Condense Horizontal Print

This option will allow you to print your report in the standard format (10 characters per inch), or to print the same report in condensed print (15 characters per inch). This field must contain either a 0 (standard format) or a 1 (condensed print format).

Print Selection Criteria

This field will be used in conjunction with the Item Number For Print Selection field. You can have a maximum of 100 items on each report as your selection criteria. The information that you enter in these fields will be compared to each master or departmental record in determining the employees who are to be printed on you report.

For example, if you want to print a report that selects employees with specific vacation pay codes, you would enter a 16 in the Item Number For Print Selection field, which corresponds to Vacation Pay Code. You would enter the specific vacation codes that you want to use in selecting the employees that are to be printed. For example, if you wanted only the employees with vacation pay codes of 1,16, or 32 to print, you could enter these three items as your selection criteria and only the employees with one of these three codes will be printed

The information that you use in selecting the employees for printing does not have to appear on your report. It is only used in the selection process.

Item number To Print

This is the field that indicates which information will be printed on your report. You can have a maximum of 20 columns on your report. Refer to the list of item numbers and their associated names shown later in this section.

Print Positions

The use of the Print Positions will allow you to indicate where each piece of information (column) will be printed on your report. As stated earlier, you can have up to 20 columns on your reports. Each of the 20 columns must have a corresponding starting print position. These will be the beginning position of each column of information. Care must be taken to make sure that the fields will not overlap. If, after you have designed and run your report, you find that the printer skips a line within an employees record, you have overlapped some fields and it will be necessary for you to skip some more space between the starting positions of your columns. The space required for each item to print is shown later in this section.

Total This Item

This option allows you to total different numeric columns on your report. This field must either contain a 0 (do not total) or a 1 (total this column). Alphabetic columns cannot be totaled. This field can also contain up to 20 items.

Item Number To Print, Print Position, and Total This Item fields are all directly related. That is, the forth number listed in the Print Position Field, and that item will or will not be totaled according to the fourth item in the Total This Item field. This will be apparent when displayed on the screen.

ItemItem Field


1Employee Number8

2*Employee Name30


4*City, State, Zip30

5*Social Security Number11



8Martial Status2

9Federal Exemptions2

10State Exemptions2

11Employment Status2

12Pay Code2

13FICA Code2

14EIC Code2

15Sick Pay Code7

16Vacation Pay Code7

17Sick Hours Accrued9

18Vacation Hours Accrued9

19Standard Federal Withholding9

20Federal Tax Add-On9

21Standard State Withholding9

22State Tax Add-On9

23Date Hired8

24Last Payroll Date8

25Department Number3

26*General Ledger Number12

27Last Review Date8

28Next Review Date8

29Last Increase Date8

30Last Payroll Date8

31State Code2

32Workman’s Comp Code2

33Union Code2

34Amount of Last Increase10


36Regular Hourly Rate9

37Overtime Hourly Rate9

38Miscellaneous - 110

39Miscellaneous - 210

40Miscellaneous - 310

41Miscellaneous - 410

42Miscellaneous - 510

43Miscellaneous - 610

44Miscellaneous - 710

45Miscellaneous - 810

46Miscellaneous - 910

47Miscellaneous - 1010

48Workman’s Comp Wages - Month10

49Employers FICA Tax10

50Employers State Unemployment Tax10

51Employers Federal Unemployment Tax10

52Regular Hours - YTD10

53Overtime Hours - YTD10

54Sick Hours - YTD10

55Vacation Hours - YTD10

56Holiday Hours - YTD10

57Workman's Comp Wages - YTD10

58Regular Hours - Current8

59Overtime Hours - Current8

60Sick Hours - Current8

61Vacation Hours - Current8

62Holiday Hours - Current8

63Workman’s Comp wages - Current8

64Federal Withholding - YTD13

65FICA Withholding - YTD13

66State Withholding - YTD13

67Miscellaneous - 1 - YTD13

68Miscellaneous - 2 - YTD13

69Miscellaneous - 3 - YTD13

70Miscellaneous - 4 - YTD13

71Miscellaneous - 5 - YTD13

72Miscellaneous - 6 - YTD13

73Miscellaneous - 7 - YTD13

74Miscellaneous - 8 - YTD13

75Miscellaneous - 9 - YTD13

76Miscellaneous - 10 - YTD13

77EIC - YTD13

78Medicare Withholding - YTD13

79Regular Earnings - YTD13

80Overtime Earnings - YTD13

81Other Compensation - YTD13

82Meals - YTD13

83Tips - YTD13

84Total Wages - YTD13

85Federal Withholding - QTD13

86FICA Withholding - QTD13

87State Withholding - QTD13

88Miscellaneous - 1 - QTD13

89Miscellaneous - 2 - QTD13

90Miscellaneous - 3 - QTD13

91Miscellaneous - 4 - QTD13

92Miscellaneous - 5 - QTD13

93Miscellaneous - 6 - Month13

94Miscellaneous - 7 - Month13

95Miscellaneous - 8 - Month13

96Miscellaneous - 9 - Month13

97Miscellaneous - 10 - Month13

98EIC - QTD13

99Medicare Withholding - QTD13

100Total Wages - QTD13

101Total Wages - Month13

102Federal Withholding - Current Period13

103FICA Withholding - Current Period13

104State Withholding - Current Period13

105Miscellaneous - 1 - Current Period13

106Miscellaneous - 2 - Current Period13

107Miscellaneous - 3 - Current Period13

108Miscellaneous - 4 - Current Period13

109Miscellaneous - 5 - Current Period13

110Miscellaneous - 6 - Current Period13

111Miscellaneous - 7 - Current Period13

112Miscellaneous - 8 - Current Period13

113Miscellaneous - 9 - Current Period13

114Miscellaneous - 10 - Current Period13

115EIC - Current Period13

116Medicare Withholding - Current Period13

117Regular Earnings - Current Period13

118Overtime Earnings - Current Period13

119Other Compensation - Current Period13

120Meals - Current Period13

121Tips - Current Period13

122Total Wages - Current Period13

123Net Pay - Current Period13

124Telephone Number12

125Birth Date8

* Item numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, and 26 cannot be used as item numbers for print selection. These fields are not numeric fields.

Maintain Report File

The Maintain Report File option from the Report File Menu will allow you to make corrections to any existing user designed reports. You will receive the following screen displays.

Enter the Report Number you wish to correct and the information will be displayed exactly as it was entered. (An entry of 0 (zero), F5, or blank will return you to the Payroll Menu.

When the information is displayed on the screen, move the cursor to the field you wish to change and enter the correct information. Anything on the screen can be changed, including the Report Number. If the Report Number is entered as 0 (zero), that report will be completely deleted.

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