Zero Current Period Info

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The Zero Current Period Info option on the Job Cost Menu will zero the current period information in the job cost records.

As you enter the company information into the system through the Payroll Company Information option, you will be asked if you wish to retain detail transactions until the end of the job. If you choose not to retain details until the end of the job, all detail records will be dropped when this program is run.

The system does not dictate how long a current period must be. The system accumulates time and charges both for a current period and until the job ends. If you use the current period information in any of your user-designed reports, this may help you decide how often to zero the current period information. If you do not use the current period information and if you have chosen to retain details until job end, you may never run this program.

In deciding whether or not to retain detail transactions, the following things should be taken into consideration. Do you have enough transactions to create problems with file space? If you print job reports each month, do you wish to spend the time and paper to repeat the old details each month? Will you be utilizing the sub-category summaries on the job cost reports? These summaries are only summaries of the current period information. There are also many other minor considerations, so we know it will be hard to make a decision as to whether or not to retain the details. We suggest you tentatively choose to retain the details and see how important they are to you. Please note that the code to delete or retain the details is set in the company information file. The zero current period information program simply uses your code in determining if the file should be cleared.

Network Considerations

This program requires exclusive use of the job cost files. You should not attempt to do any processing on the same company from another terminal while this program is being run.

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