Calculate Sewer Average

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Many cities bill their residential sewer on an average usage method. They pick three or four winter months to arrive at an average usage, and then bill all year long based on this average usage, rather than the actual usage. If you use this method of billing for sewer usage, you will use this menu option once a year to calculate the new averages. This new average is stored in a field in the customer record called Average Sewer Usage.

You can choose the billing dates for the months to be used in the calculation. If, for example, you are entering four different months and a new customer only has three of those months, the average will be determined by the number of months that the customer has been billed during the four months..

Use ccyymmdd format for entering the billing dates.

If you should enter a wrong date and the averages are not correct, you can run this option a second or third time without causing any problems. If you have calculated the new bills before the problem is noticed, you can still recalculate the averages and the bills will be correct the next month.

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