Company Information

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The Company Information File contains the Company Name and address. You need to enter this information when you first receive the system. You can change the information at any time. To access this file, select Files and then Company Information from the Utility Billing Menu.

Enter your Company Name and Company Address. The Billing Date will be updated each time you calculate new bills.

You can require that a receipt # be entered as collections are processed. It will be shown on the Receipts Journal.

The system contains some features for handling an escrow balance. Any time a person overpays their account, the credit is shown in an escrow balance and their actual balance is shown as zero. Normally when this happens, the escrow money is deposited in a different account. As collections are processed, the escrow amounts are accounted for separately and you will get breakdown of the amount that should be deposited or withdrawn from escrow. We don't suggest you choose this option unless you are required to.

As readings are entered and as bills are calculated, the system will warn you if it thinks the usage is unusual. The warning is based on a ratio of the current usage to the prior months usage. You are required to enter that percentage. A normal percent would be about 75%. If your usage last month was 10,000 gallons, the system would warn you if usage this month is greater that 17,500 gallons or less than 2,500 gallons. You can change this percent any time you choose. For example, usage may increase drastically the first month of summer. You might want to increase the percent for those months in order to not get so many unusual usage warnings. You will be able to tell over time what is the best percentage for you to use.

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