Recreate Transaction File

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With this Utility Billing System each customer's balance is supported by the detail transactions which make up that balance. For example, if a customer's balance consists of this month's charge, last month's charge, and a penalty, there will be three transactions in the transaction file for that customer. Each transaction will have it's own date, and the aging routines in this system will use these dates to produce the aged reports. If something should happen to your system that causes you to lose these transactions, the system would not operate without the supporting details. Since there can sometimes be thousands of transactions in the file, it may not be practical to try to determine and reenter the transactions.

This program is designed to recreate the transaction file. Since there is no way for the computer to know the actual details on each customer, it can only create one transaction for each customer equal to their current balance. This will make your system operational again, but you will lose the ability to get accurate listings and aging until all old transactions have been paid.

It is not intended that this program be a normal part of your processing and it should only be run as a last alternative if your transactions should get destroyed.

The system will generate one transaction for each customer. It will place the above requested date in that transaction. Since the most frequent date that probably existed in your transaction file was last month's charge, you should probably use your last billing date for the transaction date. This will also make your past-due reports the most accurate possible.

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