Remove Old Transactions

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All customer transactions are stored in a Transaction File. This file contains transactions for collections, billings, penalties, memos, etc. The transactions continue to accumulate each time a transaction is processed on any customer. This is very useful when you are researching some history on any customer. All reports in the system look to this file any time transactions are listed or aging is done, etc. You should always keep a several year's history, but at some point the file will become so large that processing will be slowed. At that point you will need a way to dump some of the older history. That is the purpose of this Remove Old Transactions program.

You will be asked the oldest date to be retained. All transactions with a date older than the date entered will be removed from the system. For example, suppose the year is 2005 and you want to retain history for the last three years, you would enter a date of 01/01/02, indicating you want to dump all transactions dated before that date.

All other users must be out of Utility Billing before you start this routine. We suggest you have a good backup before you start in case of a power failure, etc. The system can not operate without this Transaction file.

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