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The bank file will contain a record for each bank account that you use.  You should enter all bank accounts in this file when you begin.  You can change any information in any bank record at any time by accessing this file.


Bank Number

Each bank account must be assigned a unique code or number.  This code can only be 2 numeric digits.  We suggest you start with 1 as your primary account and simply number any other bank accounts consecutively.

Bank Name

The Bank Name to which the system is assigned will be displayed at the top of most menus.  If you have more than one account at the same bank, be sure to make the name descriptive enough to identify your bank account at a glance.  This will prevent paying bills from the wrong account, etc.

General Ledger Number

Enter the General Ledger Number for each bank account

Bank Balance

The Bank Balance will always be displayed on the menus.  The system will keep the balance updated, but you should enter the beginning balance when you begin.

Last Check Number

The system will always keep track of the last check number used.  Even though the system stores the check number in this file, you actually have the ability to change the beginning check number in any check print program without correcting the check number in this file.  The system will then update the check number automatically.

Click the Add button to add new bank accounts. Use Edit to change any bank information.



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